Drink Your Own Poison...

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Humor me while I pretend not to be a second class citizen. I scratched my arm and Z gave me one of his bandaids. I'm told that camo is trending in first aid supplies.⁣

I admit to the clickbait image. I’m grieving a few things and I want to talk about them. I want others to talk about them:⁣

• Violation of human rights through mass experimentation.⁣

• Loss of informed consent.⁣

• Rejection of Nuremberg Code and Divine Law through coercion, manipulation, risk to health, marginalization, abuse of elderly, disable, and the poor.⁣

• Use of faith to manipulate people into violating conscience.⁣

• Abuse of religious authority to push secular political agenda.⁣

• The new diabolical “theology” that the end justifies the means.⁣

• The oppression of the Imago Dei⁣

• Silencing, doxing, and harassing of professionals who oppose the political narrative.⁣

• Division of communities into clean and unclean (the effective practice of every tyranny) defined by bandaids & papers.⁣

But one grief is more profound than others…⁣

That there are few Christians passionate enough to resist the murder of people for profit and health.⁣

At my judgment, I won’t be able to bring theologians, doctors, or popes with me. Alone, my conscience will be laid bare to the depths, exposed to pure Goodness. And I will be held to account.⁣

Fr. Michael Copenhagen puts it bluntly:⁣

“My personal calculus in approaching this treatment is not complex. If you extract my family member’s organs while murdering her, and have the audacity to offer me a medicine produced either in her cultured cells or only use those cells to test your medicine, then I have one response for you: Keep your medicine. Or perhaps the words of the Benedictine prayer are more fitting: Drink your own poison.”⁣

I've participated in this industry’s evil in the past. I am more careful now. I repent. God is a God of great mercy. Repent.⁣

Part 2 HERE

What Confirmation is... and what it is not.

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I have never been more excited about the upcoming feast of Pentacost. The recent Confirmation of my beautiful daughter added fuel to that fire of desire. Such a simple rite… with so much power.⁣

It has long been my hope that our diocese would lower the age of Confirmation. Many erroneously think of the sacrament as a “rite of passage” to mature faith. The passing of a test.⁣

That is all wrong.⁣

The gift of the Holy Spirit is unmerited and ageless. It can be given to an infant or the elderly. It does not testify to the belief of the individual as much as to the truth of the faith and the power of the Spirit.⁣

From the Rite of Confirmation:⁣

“This giving of the Holy Spirit conforms believers more perfectly to Christ and strengthens them so that they may bear witness to Christ for the building up of his body of faith and love.”⁣

In this culture, when young children are exposed to porn, unbridled secularism, hatred of Christ, and to evil presenting itself like every happiness…⁣

I hope that more children can receive this unmerited gift of God prior to the loss of faith.⁣

In the Catechism, St. Thomas is quoted:⁣

“Age of body does not determine age of soul. Even in childhood man can attain spiritual maturity… Many children, through the strength of the Holy Spirit they have received, have bravely fought for Christ even to the shedding of their blood.” ⁣

Confirmation has sometimes jokingly been referred to as “the sacrament of farewell” as teens are already closed off to the graces and leave the Church shortly after…⁣

What can we do to change this? Especially now in this secular age of growing persecution?⁣

Parents and sponsors… now is the time to invite the Holy Spirit into our lives with a bold and desperate faith. It is time to pray the scary prayers. The ones that open us to living fully in imitation in Christ and change everything.⁣

On the birthday of Pope St. John Paul II, it is fitting to say…

“Be not afraid! Come, Holy Spirit, Come!” 🔥

Making Mistakes. Lighting fires.

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It hardly ever happens to me as a creative that I have a vision for something and it works out concretely. My problem is that I am usually not proficient in the medium I choose to adventure with. For example...⁣

Edibles confound me.⁣

However, I call this attempt a success. Super fun. Lots of mistakes. But the overall effect was just as imagined.⁣

Full disclosure... This is not a healthy cake. Not at all. 😁⁣

I blogged about what I used along with some other Confirmation/Pentecost ideas. Go to my profile link to see more.⁣

It is the lightest post I have written in a long time... and that was kind of nice for a change.⁣

I’m feeling a little tired in mind and spirit and this diversion was needed. Working creatively on a project is, for me, a lot like exercising. It is a fruitful respite. I can work in a focused way with great effort... but it is uncomplicated. The resting is in the effort.⁣

The Confirmation itself was wonderful. I can’t wait for Pentecost!⁣

Also, Instagram isn’t going to direct you to a government organization in a flag on this post. And that’s a bit of a respite as well.⁣

My stories this week prompted hundreds of dm’s. It was good to hear from so many of you. You really aren’t alone. There was some negativity but most was constructive with very little real ugliness. But the Confirmation post is a relief today. It certainly is.⁣

Come, Holy Spirit. Heal Your people. Restore us to life. Fill us with your joy. 🔥

Confirmation prep...

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My daughter was Confirmed this weekend and the last cookie has been eaten. I’m going to share more soon but wanted to post my cookie recipe for inquiring minds who saw the teaser in my stories.⁣

I blogged some details of Confirmation prep and the recipe is on there. If you need ideas for Confirmation or Pentecost, perhaps you’ll find something there. The link in HERE.

My version uses gluten free all-purpose but you can easily sub regular flour. Neither version is healthy. 😉⁣

Neither is the cake. But it turned out pretty well. If you want to see it before I post here, that’s on the blog as well. It’s the first cake I’ve ever made which turned out exactly like I envisioned. 🔥⁣

Incidentally, it’s been a while since I’ve lifestyle blogged old style. I forgot how much work it is and now recall exactly why social media micro-blogging has taken over!⁣

Worth it though. Felt a bit like home.

Your life manual...

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Playing in the rain in 2016. I had no idea what the next 5 years would bring. It’s better that way. I would have been afraid.⁣⁣
2021 is frightening people. And so we must go back to basics...⁣⁣
Everything you need to know in times of fear is found in Paul’s instructions to the Thessalonians (1 Thes 5).⁣⁣
Read it when anxious. And then start to praise the Lord with a fierceness that outmatches the wickedness of the enemy. That is the only way. We have to find Him in this or we will fall to despair which is not of the Lord.⁣⁣
Take heart! Stay sober and alert. Remain steadfast. Praise Him. Follow His Word...⁣⁣
“But as to the times and the seasons, brethren... you yourselves know well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. When people say, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as travail comes upon a woman with child, and there will be no escape.⁣⁣
But you are not in darkness, brethren, for that day to surprise you like a thief. For you are all sons of light and sons of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness.⁣⁣
So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober... since we belong to the day, let us be sober, and put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation.⁣
For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we wake or sleep we might live with him. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing...⁣⁣
14 And we exhort you, brethren, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all...⁣⁣
Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit, do not despise prophesying, but test everything; hold fast what is good, abstain from every form of evil.⁣⁣
May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”⁣⁣

Thanks be to God 🔥

Free SoulCore download...

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ANNOUNCEMENT! Every person who registers for the Rise Up & Run virtual 5k will receive a FREE SoulCore digital download from the SoulCore shop. ($14.95 value)⁣

This applies to any level registration and will be available to download through July 31st.⁣

I am so grateful to the @soulcoreproject for this gift! And for those in the apostolate who are running and praying with us. (Let’s do this @deannemiller_ !)⁣

If you have already registered, you will receive this information soon. And if you haven’t registered yet...⁣

What are you waiting for? 😉⁣

☀️You don’t have to run, you can walk.⁣
☀️You don’t have to walk, you can roll.⁣
☀️Your prayers will be taken up by those of us who are participating.⁣
☀️Your effort is a testimony, an act of praise, and a gift of prayer for others in your life.⁣
☀️Profits will help support abuse victims in the Church.⁣
☀️Make it a community or family event, grab a friend, or just enter silently into your effort.⁣
☀️T-shirts, medals, stickers, spiritual bouquets available

Simplifying homeschool discernment

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Is homeschooling a vocation? A Calling? Many believe it is. I have been told that I can do it because I have that special call... some kind of secret sauce from God that others don't have...⁣

But that isn't true.⁣

Homeschooling is tough because parenting is tough. I am far better suited to other things (for example, I'd make a darn good crazy cat lady). Fortunately, I know that anything worth doing requires some struggle. And I know through the example of the saints (and Christ Himself), that God asks us to follow Him to uncomfortable and surprising places.⁣

The biggest mistake made by discerning parents is to base their decision on feeling. They assume that just because a thing is scary, overwhelming, unknown, difficult, and out of their comfort zone, that God must not want them there.⁣

At a very fundamental level of discernment, this is a mistake. You know what would have felt awesome this morning? Eating my breakfast in a quiet house with all of the kids being fed and taught by other people... somewhere else. But that is not the decision that my husband and I have discerned to be the best for my kids or, frankly, for me.⁣

You can read more about this topic on my website in an article called "Homeschooling is Not My Vocation." But I will say one more thing here...⁣

Mom and Dad... your vocation is first to love. After that comes a tidal wave of prudential decision making rooted in that love. You can't change your vocation, but you can change your mind about schooling...⁣

You can change schools, go hybrid... heck, you can pull them out tomorrow and live in a treehouse in Peru! There are many ways to love within your vocation...⁣

But those prudential choices are not your vocation. You are not stuck. It's all hard. You're not necessarily equipped. Don't be afraid. Soldier on.⁣

We are called to be holy and to lead our children to Christ. Once we have made that top priority, each detail should be able to pass the test: Does it lead them closer to Jesus?

I am the one in brown

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Some of the handmade Mother’s Day love notes from my kids. The brown painting in the left hand corner is me.⁣ I also got flowers, new measuring spoons, and a spiritual bouquet with a Mother’s Day bullet. If you know my family, you know which kid gave me that.⁣

I am content with their love and prayers. My standard answer to “what do you want for x,y,z” holiday is usually...⁣

A clean house. They all know it but I fear they’ve given up. It might be similar in their minds to mom asking for a million dollars!⁣

Anyway... the clean house would be wonderful but it is secondary. I want most of all for my children to be happy and holy. I want every effort they give to me to be doubled for Blessed Mother and Our Lord.⁣ Maybe that sounds even more difficult than a clean house. But nothing is impossible for God. Nothing.⁣

I also have hope of someday finding all my lost measuring spoons! In the meantime, my husband gets me. He understands my deep desire for a holy family AND a functional kitchen.

Mother's Day is Complicated. Mary is not.

When I was 10 years old, life was sometimes stressful. I didn’t know much about Jesus and I didn’t really pray, but I had a rosary.⁣

I didn’t know how to use it, but I knew Hail Marys were involved. So when my fears and grief were high, I would lay in bed and say two words on each bead...⁣

“Hail Mary”⁣

That’s all I knew... until many years later when I finally prayed a full rosary as a young adult.⁣

Mother’s Day can be a complicated day. So I just keep my eyes on her. She knows what to do. She knows how to gently walk through the mess until she reaches my heart...⁣

And she touches it gently.⁣

Oh, sad and blessed day! When I don’t want to be celebrated. When I don’t know how to honor. When I grieve loss and regrets. When I rejoice in the gift of maternal love. When my children remind me how good my life is...⁣

Keeping eyes on her.⁣

It was a beautiful day. Thanks be to God.⁣

Who am I? Short answer...

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The most difficult question I ever have to answer in an interview is “Tell us about yourself.” It’s not technically a question but it points to one...⁣

Who are you and what do you want us to know about you?⁣

Cue existential crisis.⁣

I trip on it every time. Because it lives at the core of my overthinking brain like an ocean...⁣
⁣Encompassing every experience, confusion, truth, and metaphysical reality about my life.⁣

All the audience really wants to know is what I do... something interesting about me. And if I don’t have something written in front of me, I fall into the ocean...⁣

I’m no one, really. Besides belonging to Christ, I live insignificantly with my exceptional husband and our children.⁣ Some are adults and some still eat soap if it smells good. And I do a lot of dishes.⁣

My left shoulder is higher than the right from hoisting children for 23 years. My left hip is also off because it has been a baby seat for that same time...⁣

Until now. It’s been 6 years since I’ve been pregnant. Things are different. Who am I? Is that what you asked? Well...⁣

Good question. I’m changing. I think I’m getting smaller. I matter less which frees me to do more. I wish I had been 44 when I was 20... I would have wasted less of what was given to me. Maybe.⁣

I write a little. Do this and that. I don’t know. I have some papers and accomplishments and every time I earn one, I have a moment of clarity...⁣

That it doesn’t matter much. And I’d better go catch up on the dishes.⁣

Who am I? Good good question. The full answer can be found in the heart of Jesus Christ. And the goal of my life should ideally be seeking His heart... which is where I will find myself.⁣

But that’s tough to fit into the intro of an interview. I’d better write something else down. 🌸

From terror to intimacy...

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Throwback to our quarantined Easter 2020. I came upon this memory of praying with my family and the word that came to me was “intimacy.”⁣

I have done so many things wrong as a mother and wife. As I approach 25 years with my husband, I am finally starting to understand one thing…⁣

My power as a parent does not come from my ability to manage my home, but in my surrender to Jesus Christ.⁣

My husband’s witness has taught me that. This photo reminds me. His strength in his duties is admirable. But nothing moves me to goodness and repentance like his humility in service and love of the Lord.⁣

It is that quality which first brought me to Christ and inspired me to enter into relationship with Him. It is that quality which helps me stay steady in faith when I otherwise might run.⁣

One of the greatest gifts God has allowed me to receive is the gift of sickness. He permitted me to lose control. To experience profound humiliation and confusion. To be stripped of identity in the world so that I could no longer hide from Him.⁣

I found Him in the darkness. And He replaced my terror with Intimacy.⁣

I know that my household does not look like my musings on Instagram. We are sinners. I fail daily in my living testimony. But perhaps somewhere in all the busyness and disorder, my kids will be moved to surrender.⁣

Dear Jesus, capture me. Capture the hearts of my family. Draw us constantly into intimacy with You.

Healthy masking? Molds, allergens, common sense.

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Let’s talk masks, allergies, and mold today. I’m going to put on my aromatherapist cap for a minute—but mostly just my common sense cap—to discuss some rotten health practices... and some good ones.⁣⁣
First of all, solidarity with all allergy sufferers! Spring is rough. Especially when coughing in public is super awkward. (Please forgive me, fellow Mass-attendees… I promise it’s not the vid.)⁣⁣
There’s a time for extra caution. But it’s always time for looking closely at what is biologically beneficial for the body. There’s NEVER a time for propaganda-driven-one-size-fits-all-government-enforced health care… but I won’t go there today (much).⁣
Let’s talk about personal health and masks. A lot of us are sick. A lot of us have allergies and disease. A lot of us have chronic fatigue and pain. A few points of consideration:⁣⁣
•Masks trap allergens.⁣⁣
•Masks trap bacteria and mold.⁣⁣
•Within minutes, your mask will produce positive cultures for fungus and bacteria.⁣⁣
•Masks force you to aspirate waste that you exhale and anything that is trapped in your mask.⁣⁣
•People with chronic sinus/allergic issues often have mold trapped in their sinuses.⁣⁣
•People with emphysema are often medically mismanaged because their lung condition is actually fungal in nature.⁣⁣
•As a victim of severe mold poisoning and Lyme who has experienced a serious fungal lung infection... I don’t mask.⁣⁣
•As someone with chronic lung inflammation from autoimmune disease, I don’t mask.⁣⁣
•As an aromatherapist, I regularly diffuse anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal oils while I sleep to keep my airway passages healthy and support damaged tissue.⁣⁣
•I consider breathing fresh air an essential part of basic health.⁣⁣
I’m not telling you not to mask. I’m giving a picture of whole health. In a culture with a far greater epidemic of chronic disease than ‘rona, we’ve got to be smarter than we have been.⁣⁣
Also, I’m sharing my favorite respiratory diffuser blends below. Because plants are beautiful and God created them for our happiness and health.

Note: Instagram added a flag to this post there. It reads “Missing Context. Independent fact-checkers say information in this post could mislead people.” Further confirmation of my decision to back up content here. Because Instagram thinks you are an idiot and can’t think for yourself. I do not think that. You are free to accept or reject my content here. We are free together.


Interested in any of the oils and blends above? Find my preferred brand HERE.

Surrendering again...

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Sometimes you get a great shot of the back of peoples’ heads... because you are following behind them as they lead. These two beautiful women have modeled such joyful surrender to me that even their ponytails make me smile. (Thank you @soulcorecleveland)⁣

When we last met 6 months ago, we were just emerging from a quarantined world and the Holy Spirit was continuing a great work in my soul.⁣

Through this apostolate, I was returned to the arms of Blessed Mother, spouse of the Holy Spirit.⁣ The change I have undergone in just a year’s time is nothing I expected.⁣

In the first half, I learned how to praise again. I learned to surrender a bit more. In the second, I learned to believe in miracles. I learned awe.⁣ I thought I knew these things before. Now I know with certainty that I am an infant in faith.⁣

I was blessed to also spend this weekend with one of my daughters, who modeled for me great faith. I took notes at times during our talks. Privileged to ponder her words.⁣

We talked about the Holy Spirit. We prayed together along with 10 other women. We offered ourselves again to the Lord and Mary. We laughed. And we contemplated the life of Christ, friendship, and martyrdom.⁣

I don’t know how to express all of the thoughts and emotions of this year outside of a desire to RUN interiorly and exteriorly.⁣

To give great effort. To throw myself toward His help. I am looking forward so much to the Rise Up & Run 5k, not because it will feel great (this was not my experience last year!) but because I want to push...⁣

I don’t want to be asleep anymore. I want to feel my arms shake during a workout. I want to pray when it gets hard. I want to weep at the right times. I want to see what is beautiful with redeemed vision.⁣

I was moved this weekend when we were praying a SoulCore rosary and a woman named Mary was leading. As she prayed, her face was alive with joy and her arms extended in praise. Her “Hail Mary!” was one of the most authentic prayers I have ever heard.⁣

And I wanted to follow her radiant smile... and her ponytail. Thank you, Jesus, for bringing me people who radiate Your Spirit. Thank You for everything.

Running for you...

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We went to the track last night with the kids to get in some practice for the Rise Up & Run 5k in July. Link is in my profile if you’d like to join us from wherever you are! My kids are super excited. But...⁣

Some of us forgot how painful running can be when you’ve done a lot of hibernating over the winter!⁣

Little Z ran and ran. His short legs gave it everything just for the love of the effort.⁣

The rest of us need the dangling carrot of race day to keep us going. But we will take it. Let the preparations begin! And...⁣

Every runner registered so far and any intentions you’ve shared were carried with us. We run...⁣

For your marriages.⁣
For your children to return to the Lord.⁣
For you to find a permanent home.⁣
For your healing of disease.⁣
For your grandchildren.⁣
For a softening of your grief.⁣
For your business venture.⁣
For Beckett Weinert.⁣
For peace in our country.⁣
For an end to abortion.⁣
For your private heartaches.⁣
For your broken bodies.⁣
For healing from mental illness.⁣
For freedom from addiction.⁣
For your deployed loved ones.⁣
All known and unknown petitions...⁣

All of it offered up with our efforts everyday. And those of you who are running/walking/rolling/crawling toward the same goal...⁣

Please carry all of us with you, too.⁣

Also, if you didn’t share your intentions on your registration form, feel free to send me a message. And if you aren’t registered but would like us to carry your prayers... just drop me a dm or comment below.⁣

“We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:3)⁣


Parenting Tips (3 bigs)

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Someone asked me for my top tips for parenting. Well, I still have a lot to learn. But I’ve learned a few big things that I will tell my children when they become parents.⁣

I have quite a long list. (My older kids can sense this coming, I know). But I’ll just pick three today:⁣

1. Don’t yell. At least yell less. Yelling in anger makes you sick and unhappy. Makes your kids reactive and defensive, and reduces their sensitivity to your words.⁣

2. Smile at your kids often. Fake it if you have to. Show them that you like them and love them. Show them that your testimony to Jesus’ love means something more than a Sunday obligation... and that your happiness isn’t just reserved for people outside the house.⁣

3. Read Scripture together every day. Learn to love the Word of God as a family. So that they will have more of His words in their minds than they have lyrics from Frozen. Or whatever is on the radio.⁣

I don’t follow these tips very well. I’m still very much in training (still novice level after 23 years actually). But I have seen these changes make a positive difference in my home when I make the effort.⁣

Well worth it. ⁣

Registrations are open! Rise Up & Run 5K

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Registrations are open!⁣⁣⁣ Go here to learn more and join us: Rise Up & Run Virtual 5K run and walk
Last year was amazing and we are ready to run/walk/crawl/stumble/roll and pray with you again. With brand new swag for 2021… and a new song of gratitude to sing.⁣⁣⁣
“Call us back… Let us run.” is taken from a prayer of St. Augustine:⁣⁣⁣
"You never go away from us, yet we have difficulty in returning to You.⁣⁣⁣
Come, Lord, stir us up and call us back. Kindle and seize us. Be our fire and our sweetness.⁣⁣⁣
Let us love. Let us run."⁣⁣⁣

Race date is July 22nd, 2020 (Feast of St. Mary Magdalene) But because it is a virtual run, you can participate on your time table.⁣⁣⁣
During the heaviest times of life, we look to the Transfiguration (Matt. 7:17). The disciples fell terrified before Jesus. And Jesus said:⁣⁣⁣
“Rise, and do not be afraid.” …. “And when they lifted their eyes, they saw only Jesus.”⁣⁣⁣
Those are the words which move us to courage…⁣⁣⁣
I shall not be afraid of what is evil.⁣⁣⁣
I shall not be afraid of what is beautiful.⁣⁣⁣
I shall not be afraid of sickness… or healing.⁣⁣⁣
I shall not be afraid of the magnitude of the calling God has placed upon my life... or of my littleness, which seems insufficient for that call.⁣⁣⁣
I shall see Jesus alone… and I will RISE UP AND RUN to Him.⁣⁣⁣

May our lives be a testimony of praise, and this run a small act of courage in the storm. It began as a seed planted through tears; a note of defiance against sorrow and quarantine. But has grown into a cry of victory.⁣⁣⁣
We raise the standard of HOPE. He has won. Alleluia! Let us run to Him.⁣⁣⁣
Registration link is in my profile.
• Several shirt options this year w/youth sizes.⁣⁣⁣
• Three registration levels (shirts, medals, stickers, and digital-only options)⁣⁣⁣
• Your prayer intentions go with us on every training run and race⁣⁣⁣
• Give Spiritual Race Bouquets to friends and family.⁣⁣⁣
• Proceeds from registrations will go to abuse recovery ministry in the Church.⁣⁣⁣
Thank you @1brooketaylor for being willing to enter in with me again. And to @joyfilledfamily @runningmyselftogether @chroniclesofstrength @solesearchingmamma #riseupandrun21

Preparing to run...

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It is with much gratitude that I announce...⁣

Registrations for the 2021 Rise Up & Run virtual 5k open tomorrow!⁣

Last year, the preparation and running of this event was a moment of significant movement of body and soul for me.⁣I came with nothing but a tiny effort... a small effort oriented toward healing...⁣


In the midst of quarantine, I needed to find a way to grow, reach, breathe, and strive toward my beautiful God.⁣ One year later, I have new reasons to run. And some that remain the same.⁣

It’s a song of praise.⁣
A cry of lament.⁣
Defiance against the darkness.⁣
A prayer of gratitude.⁣
A sanctified effort with my brothers and sisters in Christ.⁣

And just like last year...⁣

You are welcome to join us walking, running, crawling, limping, rolling... however you are able to rise on that day.⁣

A gift to God.⁣
A prayer for others.⁣

Stay tuned... ☀️

Becoming a SoulCore leader...

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One of the great gifts of 2020 was becoming a SoulCore leader. And it was an absolute joy to lead a group of women on the Arise Retreat in person last week after loss of flesh and blood community for so long.⁣⁣
SoulCore integrates the rosary with core strengthening, stretching and functional movements; to nourish body & soul and encourage deeper reflection on the Mysteries and virtues of the rosary.⁣⁣
It incorporates scripture, sacred art, music, candlelight, and movement. A gentle path to grow in virtue and cultivate interior peace. ⁣⁣
Every movement is an invitation. As I told the women on retreat, it is okay to modify the movements or just rest in the presence of the Lord.⁣
But it does feel so good to push the muscles! To feel them shaking and know that the body is being moved to be more and do more in service to love.⁣⁣
I was nervous about leading SoulCore on retreat because I had never led such a large diverse group. But in that context, I rediscovered the reason I love this apostolate…⁣⁣
Gathering together with beautiful, loving sisters who are willing to be a little imperfect while we lay down our lives in surrender to Jesus and His Blessed Mother.⁣⁣
My nerves left completely. We laid down our intentions. I only forgot one Hail Mary. And I felt again the healing consolation of community, contemplation on the mysteries of Christ’s life, physical movement, rest, silence, and the love of our perfect Mother.⁣⁣
At Arise, we used a very special rosary centerpiece for SoulCore from @freshrosary. Simply stunning. Every bead was a fresh red rose. Julia created and packaged it with such love. And from across the country, she prayed with us.⁣⁣
After SoulCore, the rosary was presented to Mary at the front of the chapel where it remained throughout the retreat. Many took a petal to press in their Bibles to remember a grace-filled weekend and the love of God.⁣⁣
Please go follow @freshrosary! I can’t say enough about her rosaries, her customer service, and her beautiful soul! And she’s given me a 15% discount code just for you: ARISE⁣⁣
If you are local, reach out for my @soulcoreproject locations. Zoom coming also.⁣⁣

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What is impossible for God?

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I awakened this morning to a winter wonderland... and sighed. So done with winter. But that sigh was not heavy because I knew the cold would pass soon. Spring will not be stopped.⁣

As I drove along the roads, I saw the blossomed branches in every direction shaking off the snow. The sun broke through the gray clouds and the melting snow fell like God’s grace...⁣

On the car. On the road. On my soul.⁣

Then I encountered the today’s shocking first Mass reading... ⁣

“Devout men buried Stephen and made a loud lament over him.⁣
Saul, meanwhile, was trying to destroy the Church; entering house after house and dragging out men and women, he handed them over for imprisonment.”⁣

And I was filled with joy.⁣

I didn’t feel joy over the persecution and real suffering, but because I know Saul... and I know what came after the brief winter of his hatred for Christ.⁣

What is impossible for God?⁣
Nothing is impossible for God.⁣

Saul could not destroy the Church. And the result of the martyrdom of Stephen was a great watering of faith, fervor, and miracles.⁣

God did not stop the death of Stephen. But he raised him up. He showered the Church with His Spirit. And...⁣

He turned Saul’s murderous heart into Paul’s heart of a martyr.⁣

What is impossible for God?⁣
Nothing is impossible for God.⁣

“Behold, I am making all things new.” Rev. 21:5⁣

He does not force us to accept Him and to be filled with the Holy Spirit; nor to accept suffering and death with peace and trust...⁣

But He makes it possible.⁣
Thanks be to God ❤️