Becoming a SoulCore leader...

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One of the great gifts of 2020 was becoming a SoulCore leader. And it was an absolute joy to lead a group of women on the Arise Retreat in person last week after loss of flesh and blood community for so long.⁣⁣
SoulCore integrates the rosary with core strengthening, stretching and functional movements; to nourish body & soul and encourage deeper reflection on the Mysteries and virtues of the rosary.⁣⁣
It incorporates scripture, sacred art, music, candlelight, and movement. A gentle path to grow in virtue and cultivate interior peace. ⁣⁣
Every movement is an invitation. As I told the women on retreat, it is okay to modify the movements or just rest in the presence of the Lord.⁣
But it does feel so good to push the muscles! To feel them shaking and know that the body is being moved to be more and do more in service to love.⁣⁣
I was nervous about leading SoulCore on retreat because I had never led such a large diverse group. But in that context, I rediscovered the reason I love this apostolate…⁣⁣
Gathering together with beautiful, loving sisters who are willing to be a little imperfect while we lay down our lives in surrender to Jesus and His Blessed Mother.⁣⁣
My nerves left completely. We laid down our intentions. I only forgot one Hail Mary. And I felt again the healing consolation of community, contemplation on the mysteries of Christ’s life, physical movement, rest, silence, and the love of our perfect Mother.⁣⁣
At Arise, we used a very special rosary centerpiece for SoulCore from @freshrosary. Simply stunning. Every bead was a fresh red rose. Julia created and packaged it with such love. And from across the country, she prayed with us.⁣⁣
After SoulCore, the rosary was presented to Mary at the front of the chapel where it remained throughout the retreat. Many took a petal to press in their Bibles to remember a grace-filled weekend and the love of God.⁣⁣
Please go follow @freshrosary! I can’t say enough about her rosaries, her customer service, and her beautiful soul! And she’s given me a 15% discount code just for you: ARISE⁣⁣
If you are local, reach out for my @soulcoreproject locations. Zoom coming also.⁣⁣

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