why I write about healing

Can my story help you? I pray it can.

In 2012, I was 35 years old with six children and suffering through the worst pain and sickness of my life. It wasn't anything new... same old burden of chronic joint pain and debilitating fatigue and illness. I had dragged myself through life for years by shear force of will and a diet of stale fish crackers and fruit snacks, and now?

My body was screeching to a halt.

Seven pregnancies. Homeschooling. Aging body. Active family. Housework. Husband. The normal obligations of life. Each one felt like a 100 pound weight on my back and each morning took more courage than I felt I could muster.

For those who have suffered any chronic illness, I don't have to tell you what that does to a mind and a soul. I felt the heavy burden of my failures and the darkness of my future. I was certain that I would be in a wheelchair by the time I was 40.

The crisis point came in the middle of a Saturday afternoon as I lay on my bed, curled up and weeping. I was truly at the bottom of my courage. That was the day I thought I couldn't go on another step. But someone must have been praying for me because it was also the day when I took a step anyway and discovered a path to relief and healing. I didn’t realize how sick I was until I experienced renewed health.

The details of that journey through suffering, diagnosis, and healing are in various places on this website and in my book, but the nutshell is this: I changed my diet, my lifestyle, and my environment, and I credit those changes (by the design and the grace of God) with saving my life. Since then, I have been able to help some of my children with similar struggles and also help others outside my family find a measure of healing.

Let me be clear: If God allows me to be sick, I pray that I can peacefully accept it, but if my sickness is due to my poor dietary choices and lifestyle? Then I wish to set that cross down as quickly as possible to free my arms for service to love. 

I thank God for my continued healing and pray that if you are suffering unnecessarily, that you will find hope and freedom in my story and in what I have learned along the way.