The Sunshine Principle:
A Radically Simple Guide to Natural Catholic Healing

When body and mind are shattered.
When fear casts a shadow over joy.
When the answer can’t be found in a pill.
And heaven seems silent...

There is hope.

The Sunshine Principle is a work that is both a song of the soul and a 
guide of gritty practicality; a natural approach to healing mind, body, and soul, 
and what it takes to RISE.

It is commonly said in the wellness world that if a flower is dying, you don’t fix the flower, you fix the environment in which it grows.⁣⁣
Perhaps that’s the answer to why we all feel sick and half crazy. Perhaps we’ve gotten the question itself absolutely wrong.⁣⁣
We ask “Who pays for health care?” when we should be asking “What IS health care?” And how do I fix this runaway train?⁣⁣
I am made in the Imago Dei...Mind. Body. Soul. What has gone wrong? Where is joy? Where is strength?⁣⁣
What does God want for your body? How has he designed you to live? To eat? To thrive? What if, like me, you’ve been labeled an “incurable”?⁣⁣
The answers are radically simple and I’ve written them with my own story of healing. For you, and my children, and their children. So that we can restore our collective memory of natural and biological the heart of the family and community.⁣⁣
Some of what’s included...⁣⁣

  • What the Church has to say about natural healing

  • A theological treatment of natural health options⁣⁣

  • Practical, simple guides to healing mind, body, soul (or prevention if you are healthy)⁣⁣

  • My own testimony of devastating illness and recovery

  • Common questions/obstacles⁣⁣

  • Discussion of spiritual dangers in natural health care⁣⁣

  • When healing doesn’t come⁣⁣

  • Stories of healing⁣⁣

  • A special word for caregivers⁣⁣

To my readers…
Thank you for all you have been for me. Every testimony, challenge, prayer, kindness, and every inspiration. May God bless you with healing in His time and for your greatest good. May His holy will be done in all things.


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