What is impossible for God?

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I awakened this morning to a winter wonderland... and sighed. So done with winter. But that sigh was not heavy because I knew the cold would pass soon. Spring will not be stopped.⁣

As I drove along the roads, I saw the blossomed branches in every direction shaking off the snow. The sun broke through the gray clouds and the melting snow fell like God’s grace...⁣

On the car. On the road. On my soul.⁣

Then I encountered the today’s shocking first Mass reading... ⁣

“Devout men buried Stephen and made a loud lament over him.⁣
Saul, meanwhile, was trying to destroy the Church; entering house after house and dragging out men and women, he handed them over for imprisonment.”⁣

And I was filled with joy.⁣

I didn’t feel joy over the persecution and real suffering, but because I know Saul... and I know what came after the brief winter of his hatred for Christ.⁣

What is impossible for God?⁣
Nothing is impossible for God.⁣

Saul could not destroy the Church. And the result of the martyrdom of Stephen was a great watering of faith, fervor, and miracles.⁣

God did not stop the death of Stephen. But he raised him up. He showered the Church with His Spirit. And...⁣

He turned Saul’s murderous heart into Paul’s heart of a martyr.⁣

What is impossible for God?⁣
Nothing is impossible for God.⁣

“Behold, I am making all things new.” Rev. 21:5⁣

He does not force us to accept Him and to be filled with the Holy Spirit; nor to accept suffering and death with peace and trust...⁣

But He makes it possible.⁣
Thanks be to God ❤️