I am the one in brown

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Some of the handmade Mother’s Day love notes from my kids. The brown painting in the left hand corner is me.⁣ I also got flowers, new measuring spoons, and a spiritual bouquet with a Mother’s Day bullet. If you know my family, you know which kid gave me that.⁣

I am content with their love and prayers. My standard answer to “what do you want for x,y,z” holiday is usually...⁣

A clean house. They all know it but I fear they’ve given up. It might be similar in their minds to mom asking for a million dollars!⁣

Anyway... the clean house would be wonderful but it is secondary. I want most of all for my children to be happy and holy. I want every effort they give to me to be doubled for Blessed Mother and Our Lord.⁣ Maybe that sounds even more difficult than a clean house. But nothing is impossible for God. Nothing.⁣

I also have hope of someday finding all my lost measuring spoons! In the meantime, my husband gets me. He understands my deep desire for a holy family AND a functional kitchen.