Healthy masking? Molds, allergens, common sense.

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Let’s talk masks, allergies, and mold today. I’m going to put on my aromatherapist cap for a minute—but mostly just my common sense cap—to discuss some rotten health practices... and some good ones.⁣⁣
First of all, solidarity with all allergy sufferers! Spring is rough. Especially when coughing in public is super awkward. (Please forgive me, fellow Mass-attendees… I promise it’s not the vid.)⁣⁣
There’s a time for extra caution. But it’s always time for looking closely at what is biologically beneficial for the body. There’s NEVER a time for propaganda-driven-one-size-fits-all-government-enforced health care… but I won’t go there today (much).⁣
Let’s talk about personal health and masks. A lot of us are sick. A lot of us have allergies and disease. A lot of us have chronic fatigue and pain. A few points of consideration:⁣⁣
•Masks trap allergens.⁣⁣
•Masks trap bacteria and mold.⁣⁣
•Within minutes, your mask will produce positive cultures for fungus and bacteria.⁣⁣
•Masks force you to aspirate waste that you exhale and anything that is trapped in your mask.⁣⁣
•People with chronic sinus/allergic issues often have mold trapped in their sinuses.⁣⁣
•People with emphysema are often medically mismanaged because their lung condition is actually fungal in nature.⁣⁣
•As a victim of severe mold poisoning and Lyme who has experienced a serious fungal lung infection... I don’t mask.⁣⁣
•As someone with chronic lung inflammation from autoimmune disease, I don’t mask.⁣⁣
•As an aromatherapist, I regularly diffuse anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal oils while I sleep to keep my airway passages healthy and support damaged tissue.⁣⁣
•I consider breathing fresh air an essential part of basic health.⁣⁣
I’m not telling you not to mask. I’m giving a picture of whole health. In a culture with a far greater epidemic of chronic disease than ‘rona, we’ve got to be smarter than we have been.⁣⁣
Also, I’m sharing my favorite respiratory diffuser blends below. Because plants are beautiful and God created them for our happiness and health.

Note: Instagram added a flag to this post there. It reads “Missing Context. Independent fact-checkers say information in this post could mislead people.” Further confirmation of my decision to back up content here. Because Instagram thinks you are an idiot and can’t think for yourself. I do not think that. You are free to accept or reject my content here. We are free together.


Interested in any of the oils and blends above? Find my preferred brand HERE.