From terror to intimacy...

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Throwback to our quarantined Easter 2020. I came upon this memory of praying with my family and the word that came to me was “intimacy.”⁣

I have done so many things wrong as a mother and wife. As I approach 25 years with my husband, I am finally starting to understand one thing…⁣

My power as a parent does not come from my ability to manage my home, but in my surrender to Jesus Christ.⁣

My husband’s witness has taught me that. This photo reminds me. His strength in his duties is admirable. But nothing moves me to goodness and repentance like his humility in service and love of the Lord.⁣

It is that quality which first brought me to Christ and inspired me to enter into relationship with Him. It is that quality which helps me stay steady in faith when I otherwise might run.⁣

One of the greatest gifts God has allowed me to receive is the gift of sickness. He permitted me to lose control. To experience profound humiliation and confusion. To be stripped of identity in the world so that I could no longer hide from Him.⁣

I found Him in the darkness. And He replaced my terror with Intimacy.⁣

I know that my household does not look like my musings on Instagram. We are sinners. I fail daily in my living testimony. But perhaps somewhere in all the busyness and disorder, my kids will be moved to surrender.⁣

Dear Jesus, capture me. Capture the hearts of my family. Draw us constantly into intimacy with You.