Surrendering again...

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Sometimes you get a great shot of the back of peoples’ heads... because you are following behind them as they lead. These two beautiful women have modeled such joyful surrender to me that even their ponytails make me smile. (Thank you @soulcorecleveland)⁣

When we last met 6 months ago, we were just emerging from a quarantined world and the Holy Spirit was continuing a great work in my soul.⁣

Through this apostolate, I was returned to the arms of Blessed Mother, spouse of the Holy Spirit.⁣ The change I have undergone in just a year’s time is nothing I expected.⁣

In the first half, I learned how to praise again. I learned to surrender a bit more. In the second, I learned to believe in miracles. I learned awe.⁣ I thought I knew these things before. Now I know with certainty that I am an infant in faith.⁣

I was blessed to also spend this weekend with one of my daughters, who modeled for me great faith. I took notes at times during our talks. Privileged to ponder her words.⁣

We talked about the Holy Spirit. We prayed together along with 10 other women. We offered ourselves again to the Lord and Mary. We laughed. And we contemplated the life of Christ, friendship, and martyrdom.⁣

I don’t know how to express all of the thoughts and emotions of this year outside of a desire to RUN interiorly and exteriorly.⁣

To give great effort. To throw myself toward His help. I am looking forward so much to the Rise Up & Run 5k, not because it will feel great (this was not my experience last year!) but because I want to push...⁣

I don’t want to be asleep anymore. I want to feel my arms shake during a workout. I want to pray when it gets hard. I want to weep at the right times. I want to see what is beautiful with redeemed vision.⁣

I was moved this weekend when we were praying a SoulCore rosary and a woman named Mary was leading. As she prayed, her face was alive with joy and her arms extended in praise. Her “Hail Mary!” was one of the most authentic prayers I have ever heard.⁣

And I wanted to follow her radiant smile... and her ponytail. Thank you, Jesus, for bringing me people who radiate Your Spirit. Thank You for everything.