Running for you...

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We went to the track last night with the kids to get in some practice for the Rise Up & Run 5k in July. Link is in my profile if you’d like to join us from wherever you are! My kids are super excited. But...⁣

Some of us forgot how painful running can be when you’ve done a lot of hibernating over the winter!⁣

Little Z ran and ran. His short legs gave it everything just for the love of the effort.⁣

The rest of us need the dangling carrot of race day to keep us going. But we will take it. Let the preparations begin! And...⁣

Every runner registered so far and any intentions you’ve shared were carried with us. We run...⁣

For your marriages.⁣
For your children to return to the Lord.⁣
For you to find a permanent home.⁣
For your healing of disease.⁣
For your grandchildren.⁣
For a softening of your grief.⁣
For your business venture.⁣
For Beckett Weinert.⁣
For peace in our country.⁣
For an end to abortion.⁣
For your private heartaches.⁣
For your broken bodies.⁣
For healing from mental illness.⁣
For freedom from addiction.⁣
For your deployed loved ones.⁣
All known and unknown petitions...⁣

All of it offered up with our efforts everyday. And those of you who are running/walking/rolling/crawling toward the same goal...⁣

Please carry all of us with you, too.⁣

Also, if you didn’t share your intentions on your registration form, feel free to send me a message. And if you aren’t registered but would like us to carry your prayers... just drop me a dm or comment below.⁣

“We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:3)⁣
