Divorcing Pharma

My latest at Crisis Magazine…⁣⁣
“It is a fact that without Christ at the heart of the healthcare industry, every manner of atrocity is not only possible, but probable. Modern medicine can, of course, be a great good when rightly ordered. But a dependency on an industry that no longer serves the Lord can only lead to diminishing health.”⁣⁣
Stop Pharming Out Your Health
I expect that my strong wording at various places in this piece will draw some criticism. What a privilege it is to have the freedom to vigorously engage in such discussions!⁣⁣
I’m grateful to Crisis for the opportunity and for their ongoing efforts to keep discussion alive about the most important things. From their website…⁣⁣
“Every generation has its moment of crisis—the moment when it must decide. And each generation is tasked with articulating these timeless truths of the Faith to guide its decisions.”

Responding to the Accusations of the Catholic Left

I was not going to give false words written against me even a moment of my time. Then I realized that the author's ideas (disseminated by the dissident America Magazine) have infected even faithful Catholics... and I do object to my name being used to promote these errors.⁣

So I wrote a response to the author, who supports medical mandates and wants you to stop asking questions and making thoughtful comparisons…

The Necessity of Comparison: A Response to the Catholic Left

There is much wisdom in examining history to avoid repeating its errors and horrors. Americans used to agree on that, and I hope we can vanquish the popular leftist tactic of intimidation that insists that this is… verboten.⁣

Why aren’t we permitted to ask questions? To exercise vigorous scientific, historical, religious, and cultural debate? Who gets to decide which thoughts we are permitted to have, which comparisons we are authorized to make?

Let us continue to ask the questions, make the comparisons, and act as responsible citizens and people of informed faith.

Parents... Please Pause.

This is not a command but an appeal. I honor your rights as a parent, your conscience, your intellect...⁣

Please pause.⁣

Children have not reached the age of consent for medical care. Parents make those decisions. Some institutions refer to the child's participation as "assent" which they say is “on the continuum of consent." Clever.⁣ But let's discuss...⁣

The bodies of our children will carry the effects of our decisions. They don't really have a choice. So with regard to the vaccine, here is my appeal...⁣

Please consider allowing your kids to wait until the age of informed consent to choose a permanent bodily modification for a low risk illness. There is no evidence that the benefits outweigh the risk. Long term studies have not been done. These kids ARE the test group. There is no control group. No placebo.⁣

The injuries among adults are high. Much higher than any previous treatment of this kind. In years past, it would have been pulled from the market quickly.⁣ With regard to children, the inventor of the RNA vaccine technology has issued a strong warning about the damage which can permanently harm you child…

“Ask yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history.”

Please listen to his 4-minute statement HERE.

You can ignore his expertise and make your own decision. I understand the confusion which surrounds this issue. But it doesn’t harm anyone to pause. We make the best decisions we can. But as a young mom, I trusted "safe and effective" and TWICE I learned the hard way that it isn't always true.⁣

Doctors don’t pay your bills if it goes south.
Nobody comes home with you to help.
People will be angry with you.
It's weird… but most simply won't care.⁣

I am asking you to pause because I learned the hard way. My kids didn't choose it. I did. I'm sorry. And I can't undo it.⁣

I suspect that 2022 is going to see a dramatic increase in awareness as more doctors ignore parents and use terms like “medical mystery" and "extremely rare"… and then hand them a bill that no family can afford and VAERS won't pay. But moms aren't stupid...⁣

There is nothing on earth that can compensate for an injured child. Nothing.

What happens if our kids "take one for the team?" As a famous pro-V priest put it to me once: injured kids are "an acceptable sacrifice" for the greater good. Not sure how that helps. It doesn’t even console.⁣

So, no. No more. Not for mine.⁣

Please consider pausing.⁣

(This is not a judgment on anyone. I have a specific lens I share from. Not of fear but of reality. I wish health was as easy as a needle. It's not.)

For love of the poor...

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I had the privilege yesterday of spending time with the founders of Urban Encounter Ministries and I walked away changed.⁣⁣⁣
Jesus calling again. Metanoia.⁣⁣⁣
It wasn’t a profound emotional moment like one might experience on a retreat or in sacrament…⁣⁣⁣
But an encounter with Christians who speak belief and then live it with fervor. I thought often of Ephesians 5 and the simple powerful model of Church. I thought of the purity childhood and of the aching of adult conversion.⁣⁣⁣
I grew up in the city until I was in middle school; outside the full comforts of suburbia but still happy. I didn’t know what I didn’t have. I never felt deprived of anything material (except an intact family). I knew there were rich and poor people… yet I never felt poor.⁣⁣⁣
My eyes weren’t trained that way and I was loved and cared for. I didn’t know what burdens the adults carried.⁣⁣
Years later, we had moved out of the city into more comfortable suburbia, but I was in abject spiritual poverty and depression… until someone broke though with the light of Christ.⁣⁣⁣
As I sat in the company of Christ’s servants yesterday, I was reminded of early youth; living a measure of shabbiness, but with childlike vision only for what is delightful and permanent. The memory was a respite.⁣⁣⁣
As Christians, we are compelled to step into the physical and spiritual poverty of others with the delight and Presence of Jesus Christ. Not to fix everything but to encounter precious souls and share His love…⁣⁣⁣
I am here.⁣⁣⁣
I want to know your name.⁣⁣⁣
I can only offer you this small comfort.⁣⁣⁣
But I come with Jesus and He can give you everything.⁣⁣⁣

In a culture where the idol of social justice leads many away from Truth, this ministry starts with Christ as its source and summit and invites Him in…⁣⁣⁣

To the street.⁣
To those who haven’t heard their own name spoken to them in months…⁣
Where He changes everything.⁣⁣⁣
Lord, grant me the eyes of childhood that never fades. So that I may not shrink from bringing Your light into the world, wherever I am called to love.⁣⁣⁣
Please contact me if you want to support a street missionary (my daughter) with any size gift. ❤️

How a Neurotic Germaphobe put the faithful to sleep

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“When anything is subject to the light it becomes visible… Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.”
Hitler was a neurotic germaphobe. His fixation on racial cleansing was rooted in his fear of biological threats to the German people.⁣⁣⁣ How did he convince a nation to submit to his neurosis? He understood human psychology…⁣⁣⁣
He knew he needed to magnify fear. The vehicle was an appeal to the noble goal of “public health.” Tuberculosis was the great enemy. And it had many carriers.⁣⁣⁣
Early on, there were mandatory X-rays of German and Polish citizens.⁣⁣⁣ It was a new technology and there was concern about radiation. But to root out the TB devil, individual rights were subordinated to communal well-being.
“It’s just an X-ray."⁣⁣⁣
The unclean were marked & restricted. Citizens disarmed.⁣ Marriages prohibited. Assets stolen. Citizens imprisons…

400,000 Germans were forcibly sterilized.⁣⁣ 5,000 died as a result of the operation. Acceptable sacrifices on the altar of safety.
“It’s just a surgery.”⁣⁣
TB vaccines were developed using children (dissected and then murdered) instead of animals, because they had to know how it would impact humans. Maybe that’s what they told the judge at the Nuremberg trials. I don’t know. Maybe Fauci knows. In violating the Nuremberg Code, he must have had a good reason, too.
Many died from those experimental injections.⁣⁣⁣ But…
"It's just a needle.”

It’s for a greater good.
We might as well use it.
No sense in letting good research go to waste.
It was just a few kids.
It was just unborn babies. Dissected alive, but still…
It will honor their memory.
My Bishop said it’s fine… remote, you know.
We have to stop TB. We have to stop the virus.
We must.
I don’t want to die.

Later on, the Nazis used TB as biowarfare against the Allies and infected ghettos/camps to facilitate extermination.⁣⁣⁣
Corporations jumped on board the ship of Nazi horrors.
Bayer experimented on humans for TB research... and made Zyklon B for the gas chambers and funded Mengele’s research, knowing fully what he was doing.⁣⁣⁣
But... it's about TB so it's okay. Crimes against humanity? No big deal. Very short prison term. US protection. Bayer must make some good aspirin.⁣⁣
Fanta was invented specifically for the Nazi troops by Coca Cola.
Henry Ford built war vehicles for the Nazis.
Chase Bank froze Jewish assets.
IBM built a death-machine infrastructure.
Random House published Nazi propaganda.
Hugo Boss designed uniforms for the SS and Hitler Youth.
Swarovski was part of the Nazi leadership.
BMW built Nazi planes and motorcycles, used slave labor, and accepted stolen Jewish businesses.
Nestle used free labor from Nazi prison camps.
The Associated Press participated in Nazi propaganda.
But… it’s probably all okay.

(This is where Americans must work hard to implement cognitive dissonance)…
It’s just a mask.⁣⁣⁣
Just a star.⁣⁣⁣
Just a jab.
For public health.⁣⁣⁣
The experts say...⁣⁣⁣

You can’t keep your job, shop, go to school, get medical care, travel, worship, or speak freely. You can’t marry, bury your dead, decline and injection, visit your loved ones, or receive the sacraments.

Don’t worry though. It's for public health.⁣⁣

The signs of the time are becoming more clear. We are in a time of shaking. There is a great cracking of the pious facade. When the temptation to sing a little louder to drown out the voices of the marginalized is pressing on us like we never imagine it would, we try to reassure ourselves…

“We aren’t like the Germans. We’ll see it coming. Won’t we?”

Awake, O sleeper! We must awaken to a godly order. Let the light pour in on evil. Awake!

The only answer is a deepening, a shaking, and an awakening to the Person of Jesus Christ. It is Christ who will guide us and embolden us, renew us and bring us peace in evil times. It is He alone who can provide the courage to raise prophetic voices and stand in defense of the vulnerable.

Come, Holy Spirit. Embolden us with holy love. Amen.

Remembering... to stay awake.

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Remembering allows us to move forward with strength. And a deep memory allows us to understand how our sacrifices are connected to the ages. When a man or woman fights for goodness and freedom, they are giving their own lives in union with the Spirit of Christ for His people.

It is telling that the political left draws inspiration from the French Revolution while the right looks to the American Revolution. They are not the same; not in purpose, action, or spirit.⁣

The distinction clarifies the crisis we now face, and the two powers which have been present through Salvation History: the Spirit of Christ and of His adversary.⁣

This past year, we have seen American cities engulfed by fire and violence. With fists raised, citizens have shouted: “Equality, Liberty, Fraternity!” Politicians and teachers repeat the same.⁣

To know history is to understand that the spirit of the French Revolution is not a cry for true freedom… but a demand for blood. They did not rally to liberate their neighbors but to put their heads on pike poles.⁣

In 1793, the French mob allowed the Committee of Public Safety to give teeth to their demonic urges, crying, “Terror is the order of the day!”⁣

Why are leaders calling up this spirit in any form?⁣

Spurred on by propaganda, Americans find themselves elevated in the new class divisions and enjoy their perceived security: “I am safe. I have papers. I voted for them. They won’t bother me."⁣

It’s a lie, of course. Even Robespierre lost his head after creating a river of martyrs' blood. Every “useful idiot” and tyrant will ultimately perish in misery.⁣

People say we are seeing communism in America today and it seems true. But that is only one way of saying that the spirit that murdered our Blessed Lord is striking again... as it did in France, in Germany, in Russia...⁣

Just as Danton sought to destabilize France and the world, Marxists seek to do the same. And in every manifestation of this work, they oppress the faithful. Even in America…⁣

Where Christ is rejected, every horror becomes possible.⁣

Stay awake. Lanterns lighted. Become holy. Prepare. Eyes on Jesus alone.⁣

To those who have given all for godly freedom... I will strive to imitate your courage, teach it to my kids, and commend you to God. Thank you and your families. A blessed Memorial Day to all. 💙⁣

Molon Labe shirt from @voxclaracollection “Come and take it” Further explanation of this phrase can be found HERE.