Remembering... to stay awake.

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Remembering allows us to move forward with strength. And a deep memory allows us to understand how our sacrifices are connected to the ages. When a man or woman fights for goodness and freedom, they are giving their own lives in union with the Spirit of Christ for His people.

It is telling that the political left draws inspiration from the French Revolution while the right looks to the American Revolution. They are not the same; not in purpose, action, or spirit.⁣

The distinction clarifies the crisis we now face, and the two powers which have been present through Salvation History: the Spirit of Christ and of His adversary.⁣

This past year, we have seen American cities engulfed by fire and violence. With fists raised, citizens have shouted: “Equality, Liberty, Fraternity!” Politicians and teachers repeat the same.⁣

To know history is to understand that the spirit of the French Revolution is not a cry for true freedom… but a demand for blood. They did not rally to liberate their neighbors but to put their heads on pike poles.⁣

In 1793, the French mob allowed the Committee of Public Safety to give teeth to their demonic urges, crying, “Terror is the order of the day!”⁣

Why are leaders calling up this spirit in any form?⁣

Spurred on by propaganda, Americans find themselves elevated in the new class divisions and enjoy their perceived security: “I am safe. I have papers. I voted for them. They won’t bother me."⁣

It’s a lie, of course. Even Robespierre lost his head after creating a river of martyrs' blood. Every “useful idiot” and tyrant will ultimately perish in misery.⁣

People say we are seeing communism in America today and it seems true. But that is only one way of saying that the spirit that murdered our Blessed Lord is striking again... as it did in France, in Germany, in Russia...⁣

Just as Danton sought to destabilize France and the world, Marxists seek to do the same. And in every manifestation of this work, they oppress the faithful. Even in America…⁣

Where Christ is rejected, every horror becomes possible.⁣

Stay awake. Lanterns lighted. Become holy. Prepare. Eyes on Jesus alone.⁣

To those who have given all for godly freedom... I will strive to imitate your courage, teach it to my kids, and commend you to God. Thank you and your families. A blessed Memorial Day to all. 💙⁣

Molon Labe shirt from @voxclaracollection “Come and take it” Further explanation of this phrase can be found HERE.