Responding to the Accusations of the Catholic Left

I was not going to give false words written against me even a moment of my time. Then I realized that the author's ideas (disseminated by the dissident America Magazine) have infected even faithful Catholics... and I do object to my name being used to promote these errors.⁣

So I wrote a response to the author, who supports medical mandates and wants you to stop asking questions and making thoughtful comparisons…

The Necessity of Comparison: A Response to the Catholic Left

There is much wisdom in examining history to avoid repeating its errors and horrors. Americans used to agree on that, and I hope we can vanquish the popular leftist tactic of intimidation that insists that this is… verboten.⁣

Why aren’t we permitted to ask questions? To exercise vigorous scientific, historical, religious, and cultural debate? Who gets to decide which thoughts we are permitted to have, which comparisons we are authorized to make?

Let us continue to ask the questions, make the comparisons, and act as responsible citizens and people of informed faith.