Creative loving in unusual times

We were blessed yesterday by creative family members who took us to see the Zoo lights. They set up a party station in the parking lot complete with hot chocolate, popcorn, and gifts.⁣

We have different approaches to the virus in our family, but I am so grateful that there has been no hatred. Those who choose to exercise more caution have energetically pursued ways to connect with and love us.⁣

There has been disappointment at times. We hope for a return to normal. Two years is too long. But we’ve certainly had more adventures outside! And we are grateful to have been treated as beloved, especially when there is much division and anger among many families.⁣

We didn’t get a family Christmas picture yet but we still have time. The tree will be up until the season is over. And it will take us at least that long to finish celebrating!⁣

Merry Christmas, everyone! I know it has been a tough season. Many separations, sickness, loss. I pray that in the midst of it all, you have encountered the Presence and joy of Jesus Christ. Blessed be EMMANUEL!