Healing Milestone (SoulCore, Fitness, Courage)

In the last two months, I’ve earned my Personal Trainer and SoulCore Leader certifications. If you know me, you know that these victories run so much deeper than collecting titles...⁣

In 2018, I wrote:⁣

“I don’t know whether to accept this sedentary life and the constant pain and decline—aging on fast forward—or whether to fight...⁣ And how does a woman fight when she’s so broken? How does she raise her body in praise when she cannot even rise from her bed?⁣ I know I’ll have to rise from the heart because my body is useless. Begging for the heart of my Savior and His Blessed Mother. With their courage, I pray to accept the cross of disease... and still keep the door open for hope of healing.”⁣

On the days I couldn’t walk, couldn’t rise, couldn’t breathe under the weight of grief... I never imagined that I could feel physically strong again. Yet here I am.⁣

SoulCore is a perfect fit for my life, namely because prayer is at the heart and not my ability. It’s about Relationship not perfection. If my body is weak on a given day, then I bring what I can. And if all I have is my broken body on a mat... I will rest there with my Lord and His beautiful Mother.⁣

I went to the gym today and had some face tremors. Out of my control. I don’t know why my body malfunctions. As they increased, I felt sorrow rise, I told my husband about it (because I need his hand), and I finished my workout with renewed purpose.⁣

Eventually, I will lose my physical health completely and succumb to illness, age, death. So I will build my foundation on permanent things...⁣

And keep fighting for every step in between. Last Summer, I ran a 5k seven years after being told I would never run again. This year, I plan on doing it again...⁣ Maybe running, maybe walking, maybe crawling... I give it all to Jesus.

Sweet Savior, make me brave. Amen. ❤️⁣

* NOTE* I will be focusing mostly on in-person @soulcoreproject classes (we need to be with people again) but also working on digital options for my broader community. Sign up for my email updates to stay in touch. ❤️

Masking in Church (My Article in Crisis Magazine)

My article on masking in church is live this morning at Crisis. Please share it with your friends, family... and perhaps your pastor: The Audacity of Exhaling

“In the parish church, the joyful and the anxious come together to exhale in exclamations of praise, thanksgiving, and lamentation. It is time to breathe again together, without anxiety, before the Throne of Grace, and to reveal, without shame, the delightful imprint of the Imago Dei in our beloved faces.”⁣

Read my full piece at the Crisis Magazine website. Much gratitude to the bold and faithful editors for their willingness to host this important discussion... and for inviting me to the table.⁣

Serviam. ❤️

For Your Informed Consent...

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Highly recommended book for 2021…

Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective by Pamela Acker

I like this book because it consolidates a mountain of info into a simple read. After a decade of researching on my own, it's a welcome resource.⁣

Some of you already know that I'm the mom of a couple vaccine-injured kids. I never questioned the science. I never questioned anything...⁣

Until the first injury.⁣

Even then I didn't question much. They told me it was rare and that my child shouldn't get a booster, but that was it. Nobody paid our medical bills. Nobody stayed up with us at night holding our child through seizures and daily vomit. Nobody told us we could report it.⁣

And so we moved on with our new sorrow and worries. Then 10 years later, it happened again. Different shot. Different kid. Different injury. Lord, have mercy.⁣

There are some thing you can't undo and it hurts every day. It was not all my fault but I cannot deny that I failed to do due diligence after the first injury. That fact pierces.⁣

I did not have true informed consent. I just believed what I was told.⁣

After the second event, I was forced by necessity to learn about what was happening to my child. And I fell into a painful and eye-opening world of study.⁣

I never wanted to be THAT MOM. I would give a lot to be able to undo the circumstances which forced me to be.⁣ I'm not an "anti-vaxxer" and I caution against using a word that has become a bludgeon used to silence grieving families who ask questions.⁣

This book is not "anti-vax" but a summary of what you should know to make informed decisions. A beginning.⁣ I didn't know that the shot which injured my infant was only safety tested for 4 DAYS. There's a lot I didn't know.⁣

The world wants to talk about the "miracle" shot currently in the news. The one that isn't FDA approved and doesn't even stop transmission. But the foundation of my response predates this jab by years... and will exist after it passes. I support...⁣

•Medical freedom.⁣
•Informed consent.⁣
•Reverence for the body.⁣
•Preference for God's design.⁣
•Ethical medical advances which do not interfere with conscience, natural law, bodily autonomy, or rights of the family.⁣


Of Epidemics and Healing Revival...

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I’ve been reading about epidemics. I know, I know... not really the stuff of Advent. Sitting in front of a glowing tree, a roaring fire... and a book with photos of smallpox victims from the late 1800’s.⁣

Not super twinkly of me. But I’m a health nerd, what can I say? And what I’ve been finding is amazing...⁣

Regardless of what period of history I study, certain truths about health remain unchanging. Above all... the most effective way to reduce disease and illness is a combination of the following:⁣

Improved nutrition⁣
Good hygiene⁣
Sanitary living and working conditions⁣
Clean water⁣
Eliminating toxic exposure⁣
Fresh air⁣
Elimination of “Hospitalism”⁣

Epidemics in the US declined to almost nothing when these needs were met. Va( (ines arrived on the scene only after disease was deeply in decline. And heavy-handed medical intervention generally contributed to a decrease, not an increase, in health.⁣

In my book, The Sunshine Principle, I don’t talk about epidemics, but I do talk about the conditions necessary for health and how God designed you to thrive.⁣

I don’t talk about the deleterious effects of drinking water tainted with sewage because that’s not our beast anymore.⁣

In our great wealth, we have eliminated certain hazards. And yet in our gluttony and sensuality, we have turned back the clock and have restored some risk factors, particularly:⁣

Poor nutrition⁣
Toxicity (food, products, environment)⁣…

And have added the significant risk factor of excessive medical intervention.⁣

God’s design does not need fixing. Our immune systems are complex and still largely beyond the comprehension of science. It is a grave violation of dignity to continue to tinker ourselves into decline.⁣

Isn’t it time to rediscover God’s plan for health?⁣

Isn’t it time to turn around the deadly epidemics of autoimmune disease, heart disease, cancer, neurological disease, and diabetes which are killing us in far greater numbers than our current “pandemic”?⁣

My answer is yes or I wouldn’t have written the book. Medical freedom. Health independence. A restoration to design.⁣

Time for revival. ☀️⁣

(Buy my book here: The Sunshine Principle)

Jesus Rejoiced and Gave Thanks

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The snow is disruptive but stunning. Pure. The adults are burdened. Stuck in ditches. Dealing with power outages. Shoveling. But... the children seem to have new life breathed into them. It is beautiful.⁣⁣
In the Gospel today... ⁣
⁣And He gives thanks.⁣
I’m working today to allow His Word to penetrate all anxiety and sorrow that has settled on me this week.⁣⁣ All the heaviness and adult cares.⁣
Come, Lord Jesus! Transform me in Truth. Help me be your little one. ❤️⁣⁣⁣
Luke 10:21-24⁣⁣⁣

“In that same hour HE REJOICED in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes; yea, Father, for such was thy gracious will...⁣⁣⁣
All things have been delivered to me by my Father; and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son and any one to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”⁣⁣⁣

Then turning to the disciples he said privately, “Blessed are the eyes which see what you see! For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”⁣⁣⁣

I will not comply...

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"The natural world belongs to God. He is Master of all creation, including all life and its activity. Non-believers may make use of a plant or move their bodies in a secular or profane way, but this does not make them master over those things.⁣

Because it is the revealed truth of God, Catholicism recognizes the beautiful integration of mind, body, and soul in a way that surpasses all other belief systems. This recognition of the gifts inherent in the created world flows quite naturally from our relationship with our Father, the giver of all that is good.⁣

My desire is to help restore and develop a culture of intuitive health care and healing, which flows from the Gospel and is guided by the principle of subsidiarity. This is not to disregard the role of reason in discerning and judging what is good and true--reason is essential. Rather, it recognizes, as St. Thomas points out, that "in God, there is sure judgment of truth... by simply intuition."⁣

The enemies of God want us sick, depressed, anxious, drugged, confused, oppressed, and defeated. I will not comply. I reject those obstacles which dull the senses and make the body ill or more inclined to despair. I will fight for joy, strength, hope, and clarity--God created the body to serve Him. Serviam!"⁣

~ Excerpted from the Introduction of my book, The Sunshine Principle: A Radically Simple Guide to Natural Catholic Healing⁣

Perhaps you (or someone you love) is ready to gently consider a new season of life this Christmas. Not one that will fade away like a passing fad, but one that will root itself quietly into your soul and blossom...⁣

At your pace... in spite of imperfections... united with the will of God... guided by our beautiful Blessed Mother.⁣

The link to purchase the book is in my profile. Maybe now is the right time. I wrote it for you. And I pray for your complete healing in whatever area of your life it is needed. AMDG ☀️