For Your Informed Consent...

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Highly recommended book for 2021…

Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective by Pamela Acker

I like this book because it consolidates a mountain of info into a simple read. After a decade of researching on my own, it's a welcome resource.⁣

Some of you already know that I'm the mom of a couple vaccine-injured kids. I never questioned the science. I never questioned anything...⁣

Until the first injury.⁣

Even then I didn't question much. They told me it was rare and that my child shouldn't get a booster, but that was it. Nobody paid our medical bills. Nobody stayed up with us at night holding our child through seizures and daily vomit. Nobody told us we could report it.⁣

And so we moved on with our new sorrow and worries. Then 10 years later, it happened again. Different shot. Different kid. Different injury. Lord, have mercy.⁣

There are some thing you can't undo and it hurts every day. It was not all my fault but I cannot deny that I failed to do due diligence after the first injury. That fact pierces.⁣

I did not have true informed consent. I just believed what I was told.⁣

After the second event, I was forced by necessity to learn about what was happening to my child. And I fell into a painful and eye-opening world of study.⁣

I never wanted to be THAT MOM. I would give a lot to be able to undo the circumstances which forced me to be.⁣ I'm not an "anti-vaxxer" and I caution against using a word that has become a bludgeon used to silence grieving families who ask questions.⁣

This book is not "anti-vax" but a summary of what you should know to make informed decisions. A beginning.⁣ I didn't know that the shot which injured my infant was only safety tested for 4 DAYS. There's a lot I didn't know.⁣

The world wants to talk about the "miracle" shot currently in the news. The one that isn't FDA approved and doesn't even stop transmission. But the foundation of my response predates this jab by years... and will exist after it passes. I support...⁣

•Medical freedom.⁣
•Informed consent.⁣
•Reverence for the body.⁣
•Preference for God's design.⁣
•Ethical medical advances which do not interfere with conscience, natural law, bodily autonomy, or rights of the family.⁣