They Strike Against the Flesh of Holiness (2021 Purpose)

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It was my intention to stay silent until after Christmas. But the enemy is bold and so I am compelled to be bold as well.⁣

At the precise moment when we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Infant King...⁣ the enemy strikes directly at the heart of innocence through the torture, murder, and use of the bodies of babies in the name of "health."⁣

The demons cackle because they fancy that they have somehow defeated Christ by disfiguring and brutalizing the ones who bear His holy image. Just as Herod did to the Holy Innocents of his time. Just as all the tiny anti-Christs have done in their feeble grabs at power.⁣

They tear at the flesh of holiness. The provoke division and aggressively drag souls onto the path of perdition.⁣

"What has been is what will be,⁣
and what has been done is what will be done;⁣
and there is nothing new under the sun."
(Eccles. 1:9)⁣

But their boldness is part and parcel of their ruin. Christ has the victory. It is over for them. And as we wait, we praise. And we raise our voices and trumpets with the cries of holy justice.⁣

Where have they taken the Imago Deo, the Christ Child? To the chamber of "science" and sanitized homicide. To the hands that dissect and strip away dignity.⁣

What have they done with the body of our crucified Lord? They have taken him to be made into medicines and experimental formulas to be injected into the ones the enemy would have faceless and tormented.⁣

When the Holy Spirit entered into the womb of Mary, He knew. When Jesus Christ wept in the Garden of Gethsemane, He knew. When He hung on the Cross and pled for your soul, He knew. That He would be stripped of every dignity and comfort before the victory in order that you might know the fullness of eternal joy.⁣

May the joy of our Christmas celebrations be more passionate than the hatred of the enemy. It is the least we can do.⁣

What is holding you back from announcing His goodness and mercy to the world?⁣
That is what 2021 will be about.⁣

It will be a year of MERCY for the believer, in which we have the opportunity to become what we have been afraid of becoming...⁣

Children of the living God.⁣

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 🔥