Of risk-taking and milestones...
/When I declined a contract from my first-choice publisher for this book, I felt a little crazy. Crazy but confident. Ten years ago, I wouldn't have had the moxie to walk away from an offer in order to keep my message intact. I would have assumed that someone else (anyone else) knew better.
All I had to do was to cut out this and that and the contract would be mine. It was tempting. And I thought about it for a little while. But it didn't take long to decide that, though I was happy to accept an editor and all the discomfort that comes with the editing process, I wasn't willing to dilute the message.
No regrets.
So my post today is a celebration and a THANK YOU to all of you who have supported me on my less traditional path, have bought my book, shared it, and have reached out to let me know how it has blessed you.
In spite of publishing small in the middle of a pandemic, book sales have exceeded expectations. We have surpassed our ambitious 6-month goal and momentum continues to build.
I didn't know what to expect before publishing and so I prayed to be content with the opportunity to testify to God's goodness through the work, even if no one read it. And that maybe (please) even one person would be brought closer to the person and healing love of Jesus Christ. And, just being honest, that we would at least break even on the modest financial investment made.
My hopes have been realized and exceeded. We have also launched Intinction Press. And grace upon grace has poured out as a result of our leap.
Thank you, Jesus. I trust in You. You are good in all seasons. You make all things new. ☀️