Homeless until heaven.

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This is my daughter. I’m going to ramble a bit and then tell you more about her adventure…⁣

Just when you think that you can’t possibly handle any more heart stretching, the good Lord allows more.⁣

Rending, stretching, breaking, shattering… filling, saturating, expanding, illuminating.⁣

There’s been a lot going here in the last year or so. So much that I have sometimes been left like a fish gasping on the shore… flopping around wondering how I ended up so out of my element… and when God would let me back in the water.⁣

Well, I’m a fish learning to breathe air. And a woman learning to inhale under water. And the hope and joy of Jesus Christ overpowers everything in His time.⁣

Back to the beautiful young woman in the photo…⁣

My oldest daughter will be leaving home to serve as a missionary to the homeless for a year with @urbanencounterministries.⁣ She’ll be leaving in a month or so, shortly after her brother is married. And I thought I was getting used to departures but I guess I’m not that hardened yet. Maybe I don’t want to be anyway.⁣

At any rate, I love her, I’m proud of her, I’ll miss her. And if you are interested in sponsoring her work financially, she could use that kind of support as well.⁣

I think her work might be a little like mine. Both in the wilds of the human condition, trying to figure out how to extend the Gospel of Jesus Christ… without any promise of knowing how that seed will blossom.⁣

Different but united. We will breathe under water in different cities and marvel at the simplicity of the Word and the aching of the sojourner.⁣

Homeless until heaven. Following the steps of Jesus, our homeless King who awaits us with His Divine permanence.⁣

Thank you @shesaidfiat for your radical yes to Christ. That beautiful gift will always console me when I am missing you. ❤️⁣