Besieged. Also in June...

Someone asked me if everything is okay. I’ve been away more than usual and they wanted to make sure I was well. I’m doing well, thank you!⁣

Though a bit besieged. I feel like “besieged” is my usurper 2021 word. My word of the year is actually TIRELESSNESS. So it all makes sense, I guess.⁣

In June, my autoimmune issues flared up until my eyelids cracked. That was unpleasant.⁣

In June, I also fell lower mentally than I have in a while. The heliotrope rash reminded me that I talk a big game until disease pokes my vanity. And steals my ability to stand in the sunshine. So…⁣

My husband stayed close while I worked up the nerve to start again. My will was buried under a few tears and I felt like giving up.⁣

Just for a little while. Then I dusted myself off and began. After prayer, the first thing I did was to renew my organic veggie delivery service. (Link in my profile if you want a coupon!)⁣

In June, I went back to basics. Broke attachments. Pushed back against preferences in order to find freedom.⁣

In June, I went from despair to delight as I played sand volleyball (in direct sun) with more flexibility and mobility than I’ve had in years. Just 3 weeks after wondering if my summer was over.⁣

In June, I continued to prepare for a wedding. And watched my family grow and stretch and struggle and dream.⁣

In June, I tried on dresses in a department store where no one wore a mask. My husband told me I was beautiful.⁣

In June, I fell behind in everything. Everything… except for eating vegetables and making time for my husband. I still have messages unanswered and prayers unsaid. I failed and failed and failed again.⁣

But June was beautiful and July is coming. And tomorrow is another day to live and give thanks to God for who He is and what He has given.⁣

I expect to go through the cycle of grief and stretching countless times before I die. Each round hopefully bringing me closer to heaven with God’s grace.⁣

June’s lesson: “Survival mode” is real. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be holy and beautiful. Put some flowers in a vase, hug your people, say your prayers, and don’t forget the vegetables ❤️