A wedding, a run, a motu proprio

He was supposed to pose but instead he squished. Pretty typical and wonderful.⁣⁣ Posed shots are great in their own way. But 5-year olds have a way of cutting through to the better things.⁣⁣
The wedding was this week! Thanks be to God! Those of you with big families can appreciate the unique position of being mother-of-the-groom and also mother-of-the-kid who “needs to go to the bathroom” during the marriage vows.⁣⁣
And while we wait for the professional photos, I’m enjoying what people are sharing from their camera rolls. Lots of squishing and laughing.⁣⁣
Couple of unrelated updates:⁣⁣
• The Rise Up & Run t-shirts were significantly delayed due to the printer’s “internal error.” Good thing it’s a virtual run! Some of you will be getting your packets later than the run date.⁣⁣ It’s out of my hands and I’ve struggled with frustration. But I’m surrendering and grateful for an understanding community.⁣⁣
⁣⁣• My family has decided to delay our local run gathering to next week because of schedule and energy conflicts. (ie busy and tired) Recognizing limits and rolling with needs.⁣⁣
⁣⁣• I continue praying for all of your run intentions.⁣⁣
⁣⁣• Definitely feeling like I won’t be running a very strong race this year. I will give it my best and continue to offer all for your race intentions. We had a wonderful time last year regardless of our fitness levels and abilities. Looking forward to the exercise in surrender and humility again! 😉⁣
⁣⁣• I may have extra race packets available. Some of you inquired. I will let you know soon!⁣⁣
Unrelated update for those who have asked my thoughts on what came out of Rome this week…⁣⁣
• The motu proprio came out the day of the wedding so I was blissfully ignorant until the next day. A good reminder that I can’t control any of it.⁣⁣
⁣⁣• A great kick in the pants to get holy and keep lamps lighted.⁣⁣
⁣⁣• This papacy has courted anti-life global Marxists for years and caused much scandal and hardship for the flock. This is consistent. Carry on, Church Militant. Carry on.