What you need to know before seminary...

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"My son was in seminary." When people hear that, it seems simple enough. But when I say it, the recollection is of a life-changing event... like a car accident or a bad breakup. An experience that you survived but with complicated emotions, some scars, some residual pain, a different perspective on life, and some beautiful and powerful manifestations of God's grace.⁣⁣
Since I wasn't in seminary, that part isn't my story to tell. But as a parent, I have a perspective that I believe is important. Not because I'm special or unique... but because God allowed me to experience it and it is part of my testimony. It has become part of my personal call to serve the Church.⁣⁣
Perhaps my words can help a future priest navigate difficulties.⁣⁣ Perhaps some parents can be better equipped to assist.⁣⁣
The Church is clearly in crisis. We cannot wish that away. What we can do is apply intellect to faith (as it should be) and start to reclaim ground and heal what is broken.⁣⁣
When a man enters the seminary doors, he walks onto a battlefield. He is giving his assent to be fitted with the future crown of martyrdom. Like the Apostles before Him. Like Christ.⁣⁣
Before entering, he should already be a man, with a healthy spiritual, mental, and physical formation. He must be open to learning while, at the same time, prepared for the possibility of having to navigate wrong teaching and complicated peer and formator relationships.⁣⁣
Our rosaries and the hours on our knees on behalf of our children may be enough in the end but, then again, they may not. Prayer moves mountains, but bad formation is not undone simply by a mother’s fervent desire. If we throw our kids into a den of hungry wolves and then pray a rosary for their safety…well…we shouldn’t be surprised to see their bodies torn to shreds.⁣⁣
How can we prepare our sons to answer the call BEFORE they get to seminary? I try to answer that (in part) in an article called "What Catholic Parents Need to Know Before a Son Enters Seminary."⁣⁣ I'd be grateful if you would give it a read. This topic is critically important to all the faithful. AMDG