I changed clean makeup companies. Leaving woke activism.

Welcome to the contents of my purse! I'm only showing you the good and beautiful. Good makeup, essential oils, rosary bracelet, head scarf, and my favorite sunglasses...

The half-eaten suckers, Batman without an arm, 24 crumpled receipts, and crushed vitamin are not shown. I also want to take this opportunity to let you know that...

I found a new clean makeup company!

Some of you might remember the energetic discussion we had on Instagram months ago about finding alternatives to woke activist clean product companies. I was actively looking at the time and finally found an alternative to what I had been using and recommending.

This post is going to be a bit too vague for some tastes but I do have a reason. And I do have more info on my website.

I'm not out to undermine the businesses of friends. This is about my conscience, not theirs. Because of my writing on natural healing, I am asked for recommendations for reliable companies. So this is me... changing my recommendation from BeautyCounter to Crunchi.

Clean products are not just a preference for me but a necessity. My body cannot tolerate the toxic formulas used by most companies. And now...

My conscience can rest a little easier as well.

In a world where compromise with evil seems impossible to avoid, it is something to be able to make a positive move now and again... to bring choices into better alignment with belief if possible.

• Makeup is by Crunchi

• Oils by doTERRA (a very happy non-woke 6 years in business with them.)

• Rosary bracelet by @chewslifeshop