Mixing politics and faith...

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My three young adults were scattered elsewhere but I managed to capture these five.⁣

I love All Saints Day. And it struck me this year in a new way. At first, I felt annoyed that this holy triduum of feasts would be overshadowed by the election. Our minds are occupied with earthly things. We are stressed and worried.⁣

But as I listened to the stories of each saint at our party, I noticed something...⁣

“Politics” was present in almost every story. The rise and fall of kingdoms. Politically expedient marriages. War. Martyrdom. Injustice. Poverty. Persecution (by government and also Church leaders). Political prisoners. Speaking the Gospel to power. Freeing the enslaved.⁣

The crucifixion itself was a political event. And we are playing our role in Salvation History... during which time our enmeshment with the political world is unavoidable.⁣

St. Joan of Arc led an army to restore the proper leader to the throne of France. Men died under her leadership. And she was murdered by civil and Church authorities. And yet...⁣

“I am not afraid. I was born to do this.”⁣

We repeat her words in memes even as we say “let’s just keep politics out of our faith.” Not likely. It will find us eventually. And will it find us prepared?⁣

All Saints’ Day is a powerful reminder of our obligation to bring the Gospel into every detail. All Souls’ Day reminds us of holy death. And that we are not alone.⁣

We have our marching orders. It’s all wonderful. And terrifying. We pray. We weep. We bleed. We praise. We fight. We worship. We rescue. We lay it all down.⁣

Onward. 🔥 ⁣

St. Sebastian⁣
St. Brigid of Kildare⁣
St. Louis se Montfort⁣
St. Barbara⁣
St. Clare of Assisi...⁣

Ora pro nobis.

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