"Lend me your heart"

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Mother Teresa’s words rattle around in my head today as I bustle around preparing for our Thanksgiving feast...⁣

“Lend me your heart.”⁣

She spoke these intimate words to Mary. Having just renewed my Marian Consecration, I’m leaning into them.⁣

Last Thanksgiving was the strangest one ever... until this year. A loved one was suffering in the hospital and we didn’t know if he would be coming home.⁣

We were divided and a little unmoored and worried. But we rallied and made a meal and consoled each other with “Wait until next year... when we are all together again!”⁣

So here I sit in grief and gratitude because nothing seems to be as it should be. Separated again. For different reasons. And the injustice threatens to unseat gratitude...⁣

But doesn’t quite win.⁣

Oh, beautiful Mother Mary... lend me your Immaculate Heart so that I may see with fullness of gratitude the promises of your Son. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus, transform my complaints into songs of praise! Eucharisteo!⁣

Today is a national holiday but also a day of holiness... a day of beginning and of revelation...⁣

The key ingredient to my physical healing is gratitude.⁣
The rope that pulls me out of doubt is gratitude.⁣
The glue of my marriage is gratitude.⁣
The secret to peaceful motherhood is gratitude.⁣

Gratitude rooted in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ who takes away the sins of the world and gives us hope and joy beyond measure. So...⁣

When I’m finished nursing my hurts, I’ll dry my eyes and step out into a day of goodness. And I’ll start the song of thanksgiving which is an anthem of revival. “Thank you, Jesus, for...”⁣

I am a child again and the world is new. And I will give thanks today without ceasing even if it comes with tears.⁣

This sweet Sacred Heart ring is from Jessica @telosart . A concrete and pretty reminder of everything good. If you’re shopping small, please visit her shop. She is not only talented but loves the Lord deeply.⁣

Happy Thanksgiving ❤️ Deo Gratias! Mary, lend me your heart.