Birthdays, liberty, and pot-banging love.


We had our birthday party this weekend! She wanted us to wear our favorite colors. We both received pajamas. And it occurred to me that she seems to be growing younger since being liberated from her extended quarantine.

I have many new friends on social media who don't know Beth. Although the family info I share on social media is limited, I do want you to meet this beautiful woman who suffered so much under Ohio's unlawful, immoral, and cruel lockdowns. She was separated from us for the better part of a year while being cared for by strangers who were free to come and go. A woman already unable to perform the simplest functions for herself... confined to a degree that most lockdown advocates would never accept for themselves.

Those of us who have the unrestricted use of our limbs and voices have an obligation to live energetically for the vulnerable. That's going to look different for all of us, but the obligation still exists.

I can, to a degree, understand those gripped by fear of viruses. But I will never understand championing orders that destroy the minds, bodies, and souls of others so that we can live to die another day.

Every single health order given has contributed to the declining health of individuals and community. I oppose every one of them. They are not designed to increase health but to increase control and teach compliance. And the vulnerable are always the first quiet casualties of tyranny.

We must be free to serve according to the will of God. Not as "woke" people burdened by a shame of “privilege" (a diabolical distortion of the virtues of humility and gratitude)… but with a growing gratitude for His gifts in us which have been bestowed for purpose of service and praise.

It is our duty to develop our responsiveness to this goodness, to cultivate tenderness, and to allow love for others to grow until our fears can no longer hold us back from holy action

Even if we fail, we must try to stop this diabolically blinded race toward the cliff. We must say NEVER AGAIN. Not via lockdowns, face coverings, injections. It is only the radical acceptance of the tender mercy and passionate love of Jesus Christ which can restore us to sanity and health now.

So here I am, banging my pot again. Please join me. And please pray for Beth and all the vulnerable.