Mental Prayer and Holy Imagination

This page contains links to an audio/video series by Fr. Dave Nix on how to practice mental prayer in the tradition of the Church. The first three segments are an introduction and the following episodes are shorter dives into the beauty of Scripture using the method of the saints. Do not skip the second video… Enjoy! (Slowly adding all links as I have time)

All sins are committed because we do not think of God as very present but as very far off.”
— St. Teresa of Avila

VLX 1: The Importance of Mental Prayer (Video or Audio)
VLX 2: How to Meditate on the Bible Like the Saints Did (Video or Audio)
VLX 3: St. Matthew’s Introduction and Geneology (Video or Audio)
VLX 4: MT 1:18-24 / The First Mediation (Video or Audio)
VLX 5: MT 2:1-6 / The Magi (Video or Audio)
VLX 6: MT 2:7-12 (Video or Audio)
VLX 7: MT 2:13-15 / Flight into Egypt with St. Joseph (Video or Audio)
VLX 8: MT 2:13-15 / The Holy Family (Video or Audio)
VLX 9: MT 3:1-8 / John the Baptist (Video or Audio)
VLX 10: MT 3: 7-12 / Humility (Video or Audio)
VLX 11: MT 3:7-12 / (Part 2) Heaven (Video or Audio)
VLX 12: MT 3:13-17 / Baptism of Jesus (Video or Audio)
VLX 13: MT 4: 1-11 / The Temptation of Jesus Pt 1 (Video or Audio)
VLX 14: MT 4:1-11 / How to Beat Temptation in Prayer (Video or Audio)
VLX 15: MT 4:12-17 / Jesus Begins His Ministry (Video or Audio)
VLX 16: MT 4:18-22 / Jesus Calls First Disciples (Video or Audio)
VLX 17: MT 4:23-25 / Jesus Ministers to the Crowds (Video or Audio)
VLX 18: MT 5:1-11 / St. Ignatius and the Beatitudes Pt. 1 (Video or Audio)
VLX 19: St. Ignatius and the Beatitudes Pt. 2 (Video or Audio)